Here we are going to offer you information about:

  1. "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (UAIC) campus
  2. Accommodation
  3. Canteens and cafes on the campus
  4. Internet access
  5. Online services
  6. Student card
  7. Study facilities
  8. Safety
  9. Student Associations
  10. Student Buddy Program


UAIC's Campus is like a city in a city. The distances between the main building (building A), faculties' buildings (A, B, C, D, G, I, T) and Central Library are quite short (from 5 to a maximum of 25 minutes walk). In general, with a few exceptions, the lectures, seminars, or laboratories are in the same building but in different rooms. For distances that are longer than 15 minutes of walking, between University's buildings students can use Iași's public transport (based on the student card they can get discounts for public transport).

As international student you will get accomodation in C5 building which is 2 minutes walking distance from the main building of the University.



Accommodation booking is done by the International Relations Office (IRO). You only have to express your interest in on-campus accommodation simply by filling in and sending the Accommodation Form at the IRO, together with the rest of the application file. Even if you arrive during the middle of the night, you will receive the key to your room at the reception desk (open 24/7), based on your passport/ national identity document. Once you’re checked in, you can enter and leave the dorm whenever you wish. Shortly after you get accommodated, you will have to sign an Accommodation Agreement. For this, you need to present a copy of your passport and a passport-sized photo.

You will have to pay the monthly accommodation fee after you arrive when you sign the Accommodation Agreement with the residence administrator. The accommodation fee can be paid by cash or card at the Cashier’s office located in the C6 student residence, ground floor or online on (for this you might need a little help because the platform is in Romanian).

Accommodation for Bachelor and Master international students

C5 student residence (”Titu Maiorescu” Complex - click on the link for a virtual tour)

Address: 7-9 Titu Maiorescu Street, 700461, Iași

Accommodation fee for Bachelor and Master international students is ~90 euros per month (includes all the utilities (energy, water, gas etc.)

Accommodation for PhD students

Gaudeamus residence (”Codrescu” Complex - click on the link for a virtual tour)

Address: 1 Codrescu Street, 700479, Iași

Accommodation fee for Bachelor and Master international students is ~130 euros per month
(includes all the utilities (energy, water, gas etc.)


Close to the main University building, you have access to two canteens where you can have lunch. Click on the images below for a virtual tour in each of the canteens.

Titu Maiorescu Canteen


The Titu Maiorescu Canteen is in the buildings' complex with the same name.

​Gaudeamus Restaurant


The "Gaudeamus" Restaurant is in the ”Codrescu” complex.

Erasmus Cafe


The Erasmus Cafe is near C5 building, in "Titu Maiorescu" Complex

​Tafrali Cafe


The Tafrali Cafe is on the ground floor, in the main building of UAIC (Building A).


Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași is an EDUROAM enabled location (a roaming service used in most of universities from EU countries, but also, outside the EU). If your University is already in EDUROAM network, you should connect to the EDUROAM guest network available in the main buildings and use the password you have to connect into your account. ​International students who do not use EDUROAM should follow the steps described in University's internal registration procedure.


  • - a platform used by the University to promote campus events, jobs, news related to students' life (only in the Romanian language)
  • eSIMS is an online platform that gives access to the students that want to find their grades after the exams
  • Online career counselling - this online counselling programme is dedicated to anyone who feels that they need some extra support in their career development. These modules of the programme range from self-understanding and personal branding all the way to topics like CV building, work ethics, and managing pressures. Each module is a self-steering lesson that you can do in your own time without pressure
  • Fee payment - the University has a platform designed for online payments (e.g. admission, accommodation, study fees):
  • Support - if you need to report a technical problem in campus (e.g. something related to electricity, plumbing, ironware or carpentry), you can open a ticket at

Each faculty uses its own e-learning platform and other communication channels. You will be informed about all at the beginning of the academic year. All the details related to the creation of the accounts, the login and use of these tools will be sent to you through the tutoring teachers and/or the student guides from each faculty.


After registering as student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, you receive a student ID card (in Romanian - carnet de student) issued by the University that is valid only for your Erasmus study period. This student card may be required in the University or in any other institution where student identity needs to be proven.

You will also benefit of 50% discount for public transport, using your registration number from the student ID card, when creating your account on 24pay app. Additionally, based on your student card and permit, you can travel BY TRAIN across Romania, having a discount of 50% for your tickets and passes


If you need a place to study quietly during exam session or for your projects, here are your options:

  • Reading room in the dormitory building (C5);
  • Faculties' Libraries reading rooms (list of the Faculties' Libraries (Central Library Branches) and contact data can be accessed on UAIC website);
  • Amphitheatres of your faculty (only during the exam session, until 22.00);
  • Mihail Kogălniceanu Amphitheatre located in the Building A at the ground floor (only during exam sessions, until 22:00);
  • Reading rooms from Central Library "Mihai Eminescu".

If you need a collaborative workspace, where you can work with your colleagues, you can go to the Rubik MiniHub (link in Romanian) located on the 3rd floor, in the Building B of the UAIC.


According to the Global Peace Index, Romania is a peaceful country ranking 22 out of 163 countries and is among the safest countries in Europe. The Romanian Police (Inspectorate General of the Romanian Police - IGPR) is the main law enforcement institution in Romania. In Iași, you are very unlikely to become a victim of an infraction. All buildings of the University are guarded. However, you need to be responsible and take care of yourself and your belongings. Make sure you lock the door and the windows when you leave your room/ house and keep your belongings in a safe place.

In case you experience an unpleasant moment, being the victim of an infraction, report it to the police. If the infraction (burglary) happened in the student accommodation complex / University, announce the event to the administration and the guardian.

During the night, avoid walking alone in places which are not well lighted and use public transport to get to your destination.

Iași University Campus Police Office
Address: 14 Otilia Cazimir Street
Phone: 0232 302 604

In case of an emergency, you can call 112.


During the academic year, there are lots of events in the UAIC Campus and some of them are listed below:

  • Bun venit la UAIC! (Welcome to UAIC!) - event for first-year students, organised at the beginning of the academic year by UAIC (usually at the end of September or the beginning of October)
  • Erasmus Day - event for international students, organised in the first month of each semester by Erasmus Student Network and UAIC's International Relations Office, in order to facilitate the process of International students' accommodation at UAIC
  • Graduates' March - event for the students in the final year of study, organised by Iași City Hall and the state Universities from Iași (usually in May or June)
Bun venit la UAIC! / Welcome to UAIC
Flashmob during ”Bun venit la UAIC!”
Erasmus Day @UAIC
Preparing for the Graduates' March
Preparing for the Graduates' March


More than 20 student organizations are known at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași, but new ones are being set up every year. Some of them are addressed only to students of a certain faculty, while others are open to any student or even to any young person, without restrictions related to studies.

As an international student, you might be interested to know and get involved in the activities organized by the local team of the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) which has among its volunteers incoming students from different Universities. There is the possibility you may get involved as a volunteer in AEGEE, AIESEC, ELSA or UNYouth which have international experience since all of them are part of international student organizations.


Ask the International Relations Office about the possibility to have a "buddy" who can help you to adapt to your new life as a student at UAIC. The buddy will help you with on-site information, with details about your faculty, locations or something that you might be interested, in regarding life as UAIC student.​​​​